I Dare You - My 2020 Challenge to You
Jan 08, 2020
833. That’s the number of people that joined the Daniel Fast this year. 600 more than last year. God is truly amazing ya’ll.
I hope this serves as a testimony that God can use anyone. Even when you don’t feel worthy enough, ready enough, smart enough, organized enough, polished enough, well-spoken enough. Because I have felt all of those things (and more).
But I’ve learned that He doesn’t call those who are qualified. He qualifies those He calls. You see if it over and over again in the bible from Moses to David to Peter.
And He’s still doing it today.
So that thing you’ve been putting off. You know that dream He’s given you that seems completely preposterous and improbable. Guess what? I dare you to step out on faith and watch Him work. You were created for such a time as this. It’s time to live on purpose. For nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).
p.s. Drop a comment on how the Daniel Fast is going for you!
p.p.s. If you’re brave, drop a comment with a dream God has given you that you need to pursue.
Start the new year off right – commit to be fit!
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