Code Red: This is America Y’all
Oct 23, 2019
I went to my 5-year old’s school this morning to volunteer in her classroom. If you haven’t been in a kindergarten classroom lately…let’s just say there is a lot going on. Twenty 5-year olds moving (and talking!) non-stop is just proof that teachers are special creatures.
And it’s no wonder that her teacher asked for volunteers during writing time. Some kids are well advanced putting sentences together with minimal oversight. Others aren’t yet familiar with the sound each letter makes so they need help spelling every word.
Handling the juxtaposition of those two is proof that kindergarten teachers are super special creatures and obviously have their own amen corner in heaven.
While I was at the school, the Principal came over the PA system and announced a practice code red drill. For those of you unfamiliar with a code red, it’s when the school goes on lockdown if there is an immediate or imminent threat to the school population. A code red mostly happens when there is an active shooter in the school or a threat of one.
I looked on as the teacher gathered the kids in the corner of the classroom and told them to sit as quietly as possible. She turned the lights off and covered the classroom door window.
Some of the kids started crying. Other kids consoled them. A few of them whispered that they were scared.
And then the questions started.
“What are we supposed to do if it’s a code red and we’re in the cafeteria?”
“What should we do for a code red if we’re outside?”
The teacher did a phenomenal job of explaining to them as delicately as possible why this was happening, what they should do in different scenarios, and that she would be with them to help them through.
My eyes filled with tears.
WTF America.
These babies will never know a life without the looming threat of being killed just for going to school.
Or to the mall. Or the movies. Or Walmart. Or because they are brown.
Land of the free? Home of the brave? One nation, under the gun.
God help us all.
With the world in it’s current state, all we can do is look to Him.
And strive to be more like Him.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King Jr
Be light and love ya’ll.
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