It’s Time to Switch it up. That’s What God Said During the Daniel Fast.
Jan 23, 2020
The Daniel Fast is wrapping up – we’ve only have a few days left! Before it comes to a close I encourage you to chose a theme bible verse for the year. There are so many benefits to choosing one (I’ve written about them here and here). The scriptures I’ve chosen after consulting with God have been so helpful to me throughout the years.
Last year I encouraged you to pick your verse at the beginning of the fast. I thought it would be good for us to pray on it throughout the fast and to see what verse God directed us to. That seemed to work well.
This year, we’re switching it up. God has probably been speaking to you all throughout the fast which means you already know exactly where He’s leading your for 2020 (and the new decade!). And that’s just what you should use to pick your theme verse for the year.
Speaking of switching it up. That’s where the Lord has been leading me during the 2020 Daniel Fast.
You see, I’ve spent the large part of the last seven years filled with anxiety, stress and doubt. My eyes have been opened to the fact that I’ve made a lot of decisions in my life that created storms for myself as the result of not loving me like I should.
That’s deep ya’ll.
When you know in a lot of ways, you are the source of the hurt in your own life. That your our own actions created messes you’re still trying to clean up years later. Pain on top of pain. Bad decision after another because of said pain.
But as I read today’s Daniel Fast devotional about God’s faithfulness, it struck me. Through it all. God was there. Never left my side. That’s the only explanation for why I’m not dead, homeless or out of my mind.
He kept me.
So even in the midst of this pruning season, I have hope. Everything I have gone through has not been in vain. It led me here. With passion and purpose like never before. Fueled by the healing He’s already provided and broken enough to receive even more. I can press on in this journey towards what he created me to be and do.
As I write this with tears streaming down my face, I know I’m sharing this for a reason. Whoever needs to hear this should know, you have value no matter what you’ve been through. God created you for a purpose. The process of getting there won’t be easy but it will absolutely be worth it.
My theme verse for the year is Isaiah 43:18-19
“So don’t remember what happened in earlier times. Don’t think about what happened a long time ago, because I am doing something new! Now you will grow like a new plant. Surely you know this is true.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 (ERV)
Now that’s good fruit.
2020, the year of the switch up.
p.s. Shoutout to the prayers of my Mama and Daddy that filled the gap between my ignorance and my awakening
p.p.s. My girl Anquette, really got my mind and heart ready to receive what God was trying to tell me with her podcast, My Sticky Hope. Please go check it up for some real life motivation.
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