Life Gets Crazy But…Keep the Peace
Jun 27, 2019
Like most people, at the end of every year I reflect back over the past 12 months. The ups, downs and in between. I try to be intentional about shedding anything that doesn’t serve God and therefore me. That could be thoughts, words, actions, people, places or things. During this shedding process you start to discover patterns both good and bad. While reviewing those patterns, you can see with clarity where you’re thriving and where you’re struggling.
Once I realize what really challenged me during the previous year, I use that as a guide to select my theme bible verse for the year. Anyone who has been following this blog for a while knows how much I love the practice of selecting a theme verse (I wrote about it here and here). The reason I love it is because if you are intentional about reflecting and selecting a verse that you know will help you where you struggle, it can be a really powerful tool.
This year, the verse I chose was John 14:27
Unlike years past I didn’t lean on my verse as much. I didn’t memorize it so I could recite it to myself when I needed it. I just went about the practice of selecting it and pretty much stopped there.
And then life happened. Wife + Mom + work happened. A newfound God given purpose and ministry, Eat Plants & Prosper happened. And along with it came a blog, leading a Daniel Fast, women’s events, church and community workshops and going back to school to pursue certification in holistic nutrition.
Then May happened.
It. Was. A. Beast.
My oldest daughter, Mycala, suffered a concussion in her last lacrosse game of the season. She had persistent symptoms that made final exams and AP exams nearly impossible. There were tears, a meeting with her school principal, trips to the pediatric sports medicine doctor plus physical therapy sessions 2-3 times a week.
My youngest daughter, Marlowe, had a ballet recital and everything that accompanied that (pictures, practice and a dress rehearsal in the middle of the work day!). She also had a school event, teacher appreciation week and kindergarten graduation.
In the midst of all of that, we were in the throes of planning for the first EPP event, Nourish. I was helping plan the end of the season lacrosse banquet while working on a huge assignment and prepping to take my final exam for my certification. I also found out my role at my job was shifting to different responsibilities. It was just a lot…like the most.
So when June hit and we had survived all of that. I thought I would feel this huge rush of relief. At least that’s what I kept telling myself as I was trudging through it all. But I didn’t. I felt numb. Blank. And I couldn’t figure out why.
I truly had to ask the Lord what was going on with me.
Where was the numbness coming from. Huge, wonderful strides had been made in the purpose that He’d given me, my family had survived the chaos of May – I should be celebrating. But I couldn’t. What was going on with me?
I received my answer in two words. Rest & Peace.
Not rest in peace. Thank God that wasn’t the answer or I would be writing this from the pearly gates. No, the answer to why I was numb was because I needed to rest and that I hadn’t kept the peace.
The peace from my theme verse for this year. The peace Jesus promised to give us. Peace of mind and heart. I had let all of life’s craziness get in the way. I had been both troubled and afraid because of it which is where the numbness was coming from.
Someone reading this might be thinking, “How could you be at peace with all that was going on?”
I’m glad you asked.
The peace that Jesus gives does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It doesn’t mean the absence of stressful situations, financial hardships or life’s challenges. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Only Jesus can provide you with that level of peace. True tranquility of mind and heart regardless of the circumstances surrounding you.
I missed the mark. The busyness of life got me caught up. But just through a simple prayer asking God to reveal what was going on with me, I received the guidance I needed to get me back on course. It hasn’t been easy. You can imagine all the unwinding of six months of tension, stress and anxiety that needs to be done. But I’ve got a second chance. There are still six months left in 2019. I’m going to get those right. I’m going to keep the peace ya’ll. And I pray you will too.
Light & Love,
P.S. Someone reading this has completely lost their peace. This is for you. Get some rest, pray about what’s stealing your peace…then take it back.
Where are you with the vision God gave you for this year? It’s not too late to get started!
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