Quarantine Week 4: Move and Meditate
Apr 08, 2020
So here we are. Week 4 of quarantine. How you doing?
I wish I could tell you I was getting into some type of routine but every day is different when dealing with a rambunctious 6 year old. We were getting into a bit of a groove but this week is spring break so that pretty much went out the window.
We are winging it over here in these parts ya’ll. And you know what, I’ve become okay with that. What other choice do I have? In my mission to flow over forcing things, I’m allowing each day to take whatever shape it needs to. I’m focusing on what’s best for the mental health of myself and the kids. That means, finding grace in each moment.
However, I do have some non-negotiables that I stick with daily because they are preserving my overall mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.
I’m making sure I move my body daily. In fact, since I no longer have a commute, I’m doubling up the time I spend working out. I’m doing strength training or cardio + practicing yoga 5 days a week.
On the weekend, I practice yoga exclusively. This has been so helpful in keeping the body healthy (and the quarantine pounds away!). But more importantly it’s been absolutely essential to preserving my mental health as well.
Exercising is a natural anti-depressant. It releases endorphins and increases serotonin in the body which serve in making us feel good. If you’e not moving your body, I encourage you to try it and see how much better you feel.
My favorite exercise tools:
Popsugar Fitness (tons of free workouts)
Yoga with Adriene (tons of free yoga practices)
Here’s a great list of fitness studios offering free classes right now
Prayer/Devotion/Meditation/Good vibes
Spending time with God each day is so essential (especially during these times!). This is a great time to tune in and get connected. If you joined me for the Daniel Fast, you understand the value of being intentional about setting aside time with God. Starting this practice years ago has been life changing for me. I read my devotion, pray and then meditate as well. Taking care of your spiritual self is always a good look (especially during this time!)
My favorite devotion, meditation and good vibe tools:
- The Bible App (tons of devotionals available here plus the actual bible)
- Acts of Faith by Iyanla Vanzant
Good vibes:
- Her Sticky Hope Podcast (episode 55 is one of my favs!)
- The Truth Moment Podcast (episode 60 really speaks to this season)
- Sunday Jumpstart Podcast (episode 85 really helped me this week!)
- Vibrate Higher Daily by Lalah Delia
- The Manifestation
Last but not least, I wrote about this a few weeks back and absolutely had to share that on April 7th, Dr Fauci, who has served as the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases since 1984 spoke this week about the disparity of African American deaths from COVID-19 (watch the clip here).
He indicates that the reason that African Americans are perishing at greater rates is due to underlying medical conditions. This basically means that African Americans have higher rates of high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and asthma which is why the coronavirus is killing us at much higher rates.
I implore you to use this time to start making your health a priority. The underlying medical conditions are horrible enough on their own and lead to untimely deaths. But now we’re seeing first hand how dangerous they truly are. It’s time to get serious about our health. It truly is the greatest wealth.
I pray that you all are well. Never forget we’re in this together. Sending you light and love.
p.s. Share what has been keeping you sane during this quarantine. You never know who it could help!
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