Sending You Light and Love…and Resources
Apr 02, 2020
We’ve started a new month. A brand new quarter. And while 2020 has gotten off to a bit of a rough start (probably the understatement of the year) it just means we have no where but up to go from here.
Let’s spend this time getting our collective and individual lives together.
Let’s work on ourselves.
Let’s reconnect with God, ourselves and others.
Let’s heal what’s plaguing us mentally, physically and spiritually.
Let’s reprioritize what’s important.
Let’s eliminate unhealthy habits and relationships.
Let’s focus on walking in our purpose.
Let’s not leave quarantine life the same as we came.
Let’s create a new normal that encourages growth, champions peace and insists on us showing up as the highest version of ourselves.
Learn, heal, grow, evolve, repeat.
Below you will find resources that I hope you find helpful. Everything from produce in season this month, financial and educational assistance for those in need due to COVID-19 to free ways to exercise and keep yourself entertained. Please pass it on…sharing is caring. You never know who it could help!
April showers bring May flowers. But April should be known more for just bringing rain. Check out the list below of all the goodness April has to offer. Given our current situation, some of these items may be hard to find. But our current situation has also caused me to be laser focused on maintaining my health so I’m on a mission to eat as much from this list as possible (who’s with me?)!
Pandemic Financial Resources & Information
- Stimulus Package Info
- New Federal Tax Deadline July 15th
- GA State Tax Deadline July 15th
- Halting federal student loan payments and interest for 60 days
- US Federal Gov Unemployment
- Georgia News on Unemployment for Employers & Employees
- Georgia Unemployment Application
- Mortgage relief news
- Just Shelter: List of organizations working hard to preserve affordable housing and prevent eviction
- No Atlanta Evictions for Next 60 Days
- List of Banks Offering to Help Customers
- Comcast: No disconnects. Free hotspots. Low-income households get 2 months free service
- AT&T: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees. Unlimited data
- Verizon: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees
- Sprint: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees. Unlimited data
- T-Mobile: No disconnects for 60 days, waiving late payment fees. Unlimited data
- Georgia Power: No disconnects
- Geico: Pausing cancellation of policies due to non payment or policy expiration until April 30th
- Cobb County Food Resources
- Atlanta Community Food Bank
- Atlanta Survival Program: Free grocery delivery
- Free Meals for Atlanta Public School Students
- Uber Eats: Waiving all delivery fees
- The Giving Kitchen: For food service workers needing financial assistance
- Bartender Fund
- Creator Fund: Freelancers/Creators, get up to $500 to help with groceries, medical bills, housing, etc
- Resources for Artists
- Mental Health Services
- Financial Planning Association: Pro Bono Financial Planning
- CVS: Waiving home delivery fees & 30 day refill limit on certain medications
- Atlanta Public Schools Updates
- Uhaul: 1 free month storage units for students needing to move asap
- Scholastic: Free education for Pre K – grade 6+
- Adobe Photoshop: Free for students until May
- Peloton Workout App: Free 90 day trial
- Free books, movies, software, music, etc:
- Free Ivy League courses
- Free Online Museum Tours
- Free National Park Tours
- No Entrance fees to National Parks
- NPR: Free virtual concerts
- Paris Opera: Free live performances
- Download Free Coloring Books
Feel free to drop a comment below with any resources not included on the list.
Sending you light and love. We’re in this together. Be well.
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