‘Tis the Season, Don’t be a Grinch
Dec 18, 2019
Christmas is quickly speeding towards us. I typically love this time of year but this year I’ve been a bit of a Grinch.
With Thanksgiving being so late this year, it condensed the holiday season, leaving many of us scrambling to be ready for Christmas. Holiday stress a real thing, ya’ll.
One survey found that 62% of people describe their stress level as “very” or “somewhat” elevated during the holiday season (*raises hand*).
Photo courtesy of elfonashelf.com
So many things to think about over the last three weeks. Shopping for Christmas gifts for the kids, their teachers, your spouse, family members and co-workers. Don’t forget to send Christmas cards and attend holiday parties that require finding or making an ugly sweater and coming up with a clever white elephant gift.
Lord knows how many times I’ve already jumped out of my sleep in the middle of the night to move that darn Elf on a Shelf (who’s torturous idea was this??!). Gotta decorate the house and clean it spotless for guests. Oh, and be sure to cram 3 weeks of meetings and work into 1 to make up for the time you’ll take off from your job to celebrate with your family.
It’s no wonder that folks are feeling more stress-filled than festive.
Just as I was grumbling with a co-worker yesterday about not having enough time to get it all done, my heart was pricked.
I have beautiful kids, a great husband and wonderful family and friends. That’s love.
I have a job that I enjoy with fantastic co-workers. I have a home to clean and decorate. That’s provision.
I have the ability to spend time and spread love and holiday cheer to those I cherish most. That’s life and health.
I have love, provision, resources and health. What I was lacking is perspective.
I don’t have to do the long list of things above. I get to do them.
I’m blessed beyond measure. We all are.
So don’t be Grinch. Stop complaining about shopping, how much we have to get done and how annoying that one family member is.
Choose joy during this season by remembering that the magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence in our lives.
Merry Christmas, ya’ll ♥️
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